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10 sign you might be an entrepreneur

sign you become an entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is different kinds of people.T heir thinking is much differ than others,their action say lots of thing about , what kind of people they are . They make such kind of habbit &mindset to come with ideas that straddle the line between insanity & genius, but just because you have innovation thinking &ideas to replace fuel system in automobile i.e (petrol to electrical system) doesn't mean you are cut out to be an entrepreneur.

check out the following list, if you may not have all these skill.yet some have then some good indicator, you will become an entrepreneur within some period of time.

1 speed of implementation

speed of implementation

This is not a skill, its a habit of how fast you take action when some kind of thought comes in your mind.

when you facing any problem & you think about it, how can I solve it? then you find out a proper solution but your implementation speed is much less then that is not ideal, that is only a thought .ex. we know the price of fuel (petrol &diesel) is reaching high-level day by day .every one facing this kind of problem & you think on it &  find out a solution like as I make an electric car, that car run on electricity.

you have all things here, problem & their solution but you not take action on right time or your implementation speed is much slower then someone can make it before you.

 higher the implementation speed means higher the chance of success.

an entrepreneur is not only well thinker but also fast action taker.

2 An attitude like as children

think ,how are you thinking whenever you was child .you always asked question like  what is this ? how are this machine working? that time we all always curious.
for entrepreneur you should be always curious.

3 programme your mind for development

Focus on development at every second .

entrepreneur are always think on how can i make this thing better.

4 self-confident

If you don't have self confident ,then how can others believe on you. entrepreneur always take initiative what they want to do every situation

5 value of time

Entrepreneur knows the value of time .they spend each & every second of their life to provide better value to people .

They don't waste their time to valueless things.

6 passion

you must passionate about what you are doing .you are not only doing for million dollar income but also you are passionate or you loving it .because of your passion you will always keep growing.

7 Never give up

when failure comes in entrepreneur life they don't break at any we see the best example of never give up attitude ,you must watch the elon musk story , how much times he felt up in his life but he face his problem & now reaching the level ,we all see now.

8 incredible work ethics

Normal job employee ,work 40 to 48 hour in his weekly schedule but if you see the entrepreneur which is top position now a day's ,their work ethics are incredible ,they put their 80 to 100 hour per week reaching that position ,that they are now.

Gary vaynerchuk wrote in his blog that i believe that i win because i out work 19 hours a day every day for the last 20 year has been easy for me because it's the only gear i ever know .
I sucked at school so it was my only option .The biggest advantage you have is your work ethics.

9 problem solver

They find out the root cause of every problem & reach to its solution.

They take every problem as a  challenge to their self. They don't see a problem is a problem .they also  focus on present ,future obstacles .they do plan for solving every problem according to situation that they are facing.

10 Time for self talk

This is a secret skill ,they know very a days people haven't time to speak with their own self. It is important because it has a big impact on how you feel &what you do.

This will increase your confident level ,increase focus on what should you do .
entrepreneur also spend time to do meditation , reading ,writing  on what type of thought comes in his own mind , exercise every day and affirmation.

so you need all this skill or you want to become entrepreneur you must implement it.


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