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Are you really want to achieve your goal? are you really want to succeed in life? If you expect to have dreams come true but you did not succeed yet.

Many of the people set them a goal and taking action for a few days but after sometimes they fill demotivated and not reach to their decided target.

I am here to talk with you a simple technique which definitely gives you unlimited power to achieve your goal.

This technique I call visualize you. You must master at visualization.

This is a billion dollar habit which actually taught by Mel Robbins.

How to visualize you? how to use your subconscious mind to reach your highest potential.

This is a really really powerful subconscious mind exercise & we call this is a hack of our unlimited potential. in a few days of practice, you really become good at that this is an only 30sec to 1-minute subconscious mind exercise.

This visualization technique is not meditation and some spiritual things. This is a science-proof visualization technique.

how to get unlimited power to achieve your goal,subconcious mind exercise,

Visualization is an extraordinary powerful skill. You heard about the law of attraction, the power of awareness, manifestation. They probably related to each other.

BRAIN HAS THEIR OWN WORKING SYSTEM. Here we called a reticular activating system.
It is a network of neurons all in here. but what actually do by the reticular activating system. This we call as a filter system. This filter system allows a certain amount of information and blocks out other information.

Who programs this filter system?

If you constantly thinking about yourself that you are not good in that, you constantly feel about you are unlovable then this reticular activating system gives you negative emotion all the day what you actually think & this makes your belief. 

How to get unlimited power to achieve your goal? by simple hacking this reticular activating system.

Minds love to read the things which agree with.because reading things we agree with confirms your filter.

Why do we have this 'reticular activating system'

The reason is very important because when are u reading books, all social media blog, watching a youtube video. If the brain gives equal value to all of this information then it fills extra load in it and you fill explode off it. brain get the meltdown.

Reticular activity system protect your brain this extra information.By filtering information and only letting in stuff that it agrees with.

This is the scientific reason why you programmed your subconscious mind.

Then, how you use the visualization technique to reprogram your mind. How to get unlimited power to achieve your goal?  By a simple visualization technique.

For starting to reprogram your mind by the reticular activating system so that your brain find
out the best opportunities for you,  to spot the best evidence, to spot coincidences so you can build momentum & this all start by visualization.

For starting this visualization technique, you firstly wrote down all your goal which you deciding this year & I want you to exercise visualization technique for each and every goal.

Here I say you how do you actually do it? base on science, to getting the best result and getting unlimited power to achieve your goal.


This visualization technique is only a two-step method.

1 let decide your goal is to improve self-worth. close your eyes and picture it.

I want you to visualize what your life looks like and how you going to feel about your self when your self-worth is improved.

You can see yourself as a becoming entrepreneur and talking with your business partners
in 7 star hotel or in your presentation hall.

You can see yourself leaving all bad relationship. You can see yourself going to the gym or going on a world tour. You can see yourself taking care of your family and surrounding people, You can see yourself as giving a speech in front of a thousand people.

Start to visualize the image of that and fill proud yourself. I fill so gratefully that I make this change in my life. actually, fill it there I am. I am raising my hand. I am actually available in that situation. 


 I am sharpening my brain, there I am.
I clear UPSC exam, Fill there I am. I got a new customer, there I am. If you're single then fill I get a beautiful girlfriend and I am with her, there I am.

when you do that here is what actually happens in your brain. 

You train your brain by a totally different filter. But the brain does not know the difference, but what you actually visualize that happen with you.

Your brain experienced what you visualize. becoming an entrepreneur, generating billion dollar income. your brain actually fills that.

when you visualize that way, you encode a real memory. and when you encode a real memory it changes the filter system that means 'reticular activity system.

The main important things here -THIS IS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND EXERCISE

When you visualize more 

 Your confident get increases number of times, you feel more secure your self and you feel that you can achieve anything in life, nothing is impossible for you.

when you do more about your goal and your life situation. when you get up and it takes 30seconds to one minute to visualize everything on your day routing. visualize your school will go very well today. when you visualize more and more. you build skill faster and faster.

According to research more, you do this, you start actually believing what you think or visualize. This is happening because you starting reprogram.

you are changing your network of neurons that act as a filter.

when you visualize and thinking more and more then you fill more confident to become great, to building more skill and the most important part is you actually do it.


You instead looking to reason,you look at to doing the things. Instead of watching the motivation video about the study you actually start doing the study. Instead of not speak in front of people you just speak up.


After that you don,t need to the motivation of doing the study, hard work and feeling confront.

Now you focus on opportunities. here I suggest you from day 1 give your 30seconds to one minute to your dream for the next 21 days for visualization.

close your eyes and you are going to visualize what it looks like in you are achieved your goal in this year.

How to fill when seeing you're that bank balance in your bank account, how you fill when you quit your job which you hate and starting your business what you actually passionate about.

Its fill very very better than you actually when you visualize, you changing network of neuron in your brain which helps you to reprogram your reticular activity system.


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