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How to become a millionaire?

How to become an entrepreneur?

                             An entrepreneur is a person who starts his own business and facing problem day by day in his business and solves them the best possible way to achieve new height to his success growth. He finds a simple new way to do a regular task by little change in the process. 

Entrepreneur used other's time, other's money, other's education to run his business. He developed his mind by reading books to become an expert in his business, learn from mentored and implement them in his business era. He sets the high goal and achieves them with time without giving any excuse.
If you want to become an entrepreneur you need mindset as below ;

1 Problem-oriented attitude-

                      Some people always hate the problem, they always like their comfort zone. They like to live in a cage or some of them don't see any difficulties, they know that they are poor but they don't want to become rich or they don't change anything in their life.
                        If you want to become an entrepreneur, you need to make a sharp focus in today's world, think on it where I can change, where I can improve, where I can develop. if you saw any problem, how can I solve them? if you get a solution asked yourself, can I improved them?

2 Take initiative

The main important skill to make an entrepreneur is leadership quality. Take responsibility on your shoulder that I can complete much problem is big, I don't care.I finished that. I can start my own business at any condition and I will make successful within this time.

3 Follow your passion 

  No one sustained their business long term without passionate about that. If you do what you love then you can work day or night also with full of enjoyment.

Try to figure out what things you like most, shortlist them .find out one or two things you like more and get more knowledge about how can I start a business from what I like.

  Is someone doing these before? what you like, get information on the internet or google and how can I start at this stage. find out any mentor, read books .and start early as possible.

4 Understand the concept of business

There are 3 main types of any business.

1 Manufacturing
2 Service 
3 Trading

  You should carefully study all these businesses, what are dos and what are don'ts. according to your environment, which suitable for you according to your pocket condition, knowledge.Don't  focus on money, focus on making player of any business.

5  provide value to people

The main motive of becoming an entrepreneur is not just earning money or you do not earn money without providing value to people. which problem solve by your business to our society, think about it. then take the first step.

6  avoid the biggest misconception about business

For becoming an entrepreneur we require lots of money, land, technology, innovative business idea, support. 

This is all misconception fitted in our mind . 

For starting your own business with minimum money, read a book like 100$startup. starting your business in any service industry you require very little about money because there is no land , infrastructure, worker, technology. you need only a skill which provides value to the people .if you don't have any skill learn them. learning a new skill we required only 20 hrs.

7   3 things must have 

For becoming an entrepreneur or start your own business you should have these 3 things

1     product (for selling)

2     some  people  (for buying your product which help them in               their life to solve any existing  problem)
3     a way of paying ( method of money transfer)

 if these 3 things you have then you become an entrepreneur today...



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