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How to become rich fast in life

How to become rich fast in your life

The shortcut road of wealth
   There is a hidden road of wealth &financial freedom .you will retire early in your life &live with the life you want to be or most people don't afford it .you can live rich. you can complete all the dream you want to achieve in your life .you can become millionaire early in your life
  the road?

 3 road for becoming a millionaire in your life.

1 Side Walker
2 The slow lane
3 The Fastlane

1 Get rich slow  (sidewalk)

 More people are on this sidewalk in their entire life journey. these people haven't any plan for their future, they spent money immediately on the next gadget, next trip, next fashion style. These type of people broke immediately when they facing any problem such as when they loose any business deal, lottery they frustrate immediately .

people who traveled on this road, their wealth formulae such as

wealth = income +debt

Some side walker having their own business, some are actor & musician, they work with high paying job career like medicine,law.they can earn big income.but they haven't any financial plan .they spend much more than they earn and only concern with the pleasure of today.

2 The slowlane

It's called as slow lane

 In this, we get wealth on the wheelchair , process like this

go to school , get good grades, graduates, get a good job, save 10%, invest in stock, increase your money ,slash your credit card &clip coupons, then someday when you are 60-65 year old, then you will be rich.

It is a long way to become rich in your life . I am not talking here that go buy real estate, start a business & any lucky draw. but discuss about complete mathematical formulae, to get wealth & freedom in your life & take benefit of your favourite sport car. If  you want to keep getting what you are getting ,keep doing what you are doing.

 STOP , your old ways of action , thinking, believing :& find a new direction to create  wealth .If you  travel the right road with a right road map , you can result resurrect your dream to possibility.becoming rich does not care about your age, gender, a college degree.

wealth formulae of who walk on slowlane

wealth =(primary income source :job)+(wealth accelerator:market investments)


 If you want to escape the slow lane , find the wealth and freedom fast. you have got to dumb the job .the job never give  you wealth what you dump the damn job.if the slow lane is your get rich strategy then i damn sure you never become rich .

which type of door you choose for your financial freedom plan.sidewalk or slow lane .sacrifice today or tomorrow .you can walk the sidewalk with no financial  plan and drive the slow lane and sacrifice your today for  the risk and illusion of secure tomorrow.

but wait there is another way choice to get wealth fast, "fast'" however is relative .if you are 18    you can be rich at 25 ,if you are 30 , you can be retired by 36 .

3 The fastlane

The fastlane is a business and lifestyle strategy which create rapid wealth and extraordinary lifestyle.
the path of fastlane is like that your own business, self-employment,entrepreneurship ,real estate investor  ,author or inventor .much like a job is to the slowlane .

    In fastlane ,you construct a system that does work it for you .you need to be an entrepreneur to give birth to the business or offer the world value. In this road, you first, stop chasing money & start chasing needs of people .need comes first &not money.

 when you focusing on start a business ask this question to yourself
1 Is there a need for what i starting ?
2 how could i do better /
3 what improved value do i offer?
4 what assets do i bring to this roadmap community ?

wealth equation of the fastlane

wealth =Net profit +Asset value



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