sign you become an entrepreneur An entrepreneur is different kinds of people.T heir thinking is much differ than others,their action say lots of thing about , what kind of people they are . They make such kind of habbit &mindset to come with ideas that straddle the line between insanity & genius, but just because you have innovation thinking &ideas to replace fuel system in automobile i.e (petrol to electrical system) doesn't mean you are cut out to be an entrepreneur. check out the following list, if you may not have all these skill.yet some have then some good indicator, you will become an entrepreneur within some period of time. 1 speed of implementation speed of implementation This is not a skill, its a habit of how fast you take action when some kind of thought comes in your mind. when you facing any problem & you think about it, how can I solve it? then you find out a proper solution but your implementation speed is much less th...
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